+45 33 75 10 00



The Comprehensive Stool Analysis + Parasitology (CSAP) profile helps pinpoint the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms and chronic systemic conditions, and measures key markers of digestion, absorption and inflammation. It contains comprehensive bacteriology and yeast cultures to identify the presence of beneficial flora, imbalanced flora including Clostridium species, and dysbiotic flora, as well as the detection of infectious pathogens and parasites by PCR and other gold standard methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing to prescriptive and natural agents is also performed for appropriate cultured bacterial and fungal species at no additional charge. Parasitology testing can include one-, two- or three-day collection, based on practitioner preference.

NOTE: Please ensure that a correct amount of stool sample is provided in EACH vial. If this cannot be the case, please click on the <Practical> tab for further information.



• Autoimmune Disease

• Food Allergies/Sensitivities

• Gastrointestinal Symptoms


• Inflammation

• Joint Pain

• Nutritional Deficiencies

• Systemic illnesses

• Toxic overload


Contributing/causal factors


• Bacterial overgrowth or imbalances (dysbiosis)

• Chronic maldigestion

• Food allergen impact on bowel absorptive surfaces

• Low gastric acid production

• Pathogenic bacteria, yeast or parasites and related toxic irritants

• The use of NSAIDs and antibiotic