+45 33 75 10 00



This test requires a blood draw, so please ensure you can refer to a phlebotomist in the clients area before you order this test.

Liposcan (HDL & LDL Subfractions) is a new procedure that determines the actual heart attack risk by means of a differentiated analysis of HDL and LDL subfractions. 

It is a popular fallacy that high cholesterol levels automatically mean an increased heart attack risk. Patients that don’t suffer a heart attack can have higher cholesterol levels, and similarly, those that suffer a heart attack may have low cholesterol levels. Individual differences exist with respect to the LDL levels and here, even more importantly, in the size distribution of the LDL particles. The small LDL particles in particular, have a very high atherogenic potential. Therefore, it is less important how much cholesterol a patient has, but which type of cholesterol is elevated and which size distribution the cholesterol particles have. These are the parameters the risk assessment and the therapy depend on.

If high quantities of atherogenic LDL particles have actually been found, there will be the possibility to identify the cause of these findings. The interaction of various genes may be responsible in this case. They can be identified by means of a simple genetic test. This can be used to derive a specific, individual therapy for the patient. This therapy comprises both allopathic approaches using lipid-lowering drugs and the well-targeted change of living habits and nutrition. It is made clear to the patient using graphics what different ways of living mean in connection with his genetic profile. This makes it possible for the patient to influence this them self.